
Echo of soul build
Echo of soul build

echo of soul build

echo of soul build

After that? Hide if you can to generate advantage. Take expertise in insight (never a bad thing) for a solid chance to make this work, though of course, this is an at will, and there’s nothing stopping you from trying again next round. You start with your echo out, so you can use your first bonus action to enable sneak attacks with insightful fighting. there’s a lot of psychological thriller potential there. May I Also suggest the inquisitive rogue? This will turn you into a kind of haunted gumshoe. This means you’ll be missing out on your bonus action hide. You’ll need to be using your bonus action to re-create them. and you won’t have advantage on your opportunity attack, as you won’t be able to hide twice. By raw this works (be a halfling and hide behind a teammate!) but again, you may have to clarify this with your DM, or perhaps educate them. Use your bonus action to hide, and being hidden, you can make attacks with advantage from your echo’s position even if the echo is visible. There’s arcane trickster for find familiar, an owl can get you Advantage for one sneak attack. The same goes for using invisibility, by RAW, it’s you, not your echo that needs to be invisible, but your DM may not see it that way. Your DM may need to weigh in on whether it’s the echo or you that needs to be covered (by RAW it’s you but.)

#Echo of soul build plus

Generating advantage with barbarian, shadow sorcerer or warlock could work, but now your triple classing and you’ll come online LATE, plus there’s some doubt about how darkness would interact with these. Swashbuckler has Rakish audacity that enables sneak attack, but the wording requires that you be within 5 feet of your target, and you won’t be (just your echo) This is always the best first pick, otherwise arcane trickster or better yet inquisitive. TLDR: If you can rely on your team? Great. You also need a way to enable sneak attacks. Echo knight can give you a decent way to generate opportunity attacks without putting yourself at risk.

Echo of soul build